wakjapan ロゴ


Seller WAK JAPAN Co., Ltd.
Representative President and CEO: Michi Ogawa
Address 761 Tenshu-cho, Takakura-dori Nijo-agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, 604-0812, Japan
Phone Number +81-75-212-9993
FAX Number +81-75-212-9994
Email Address wak01@wakjapan.com
Additional Fees (Other than product price) None
Order Method Reservations can be made through our website.
Payment Method Credit card (advance reservation and pre-payment)
Payment Deadline At the time of credit card payment during the reservation
Delivery Period Credit card (advance reservation and pre-payment)
Cancellation/Exchange Policy In case of cancellation after reservation, a cancellation fee may apply according to the reservation agreement:
- 80% on the day before
- 100% on the day of reservation
- 100% for no-shows